Yes and No.
- If the number portion of the product number is the same, then all parts with that number are the same.
Some parts are interchangeable between models. In addition, sometimes manufacturers use different names for the same part. When this is the case, in order to list the parts under the different models, we add letters after the main number. Products that have the same number followed by letters such as A, B, C, AA, BB, etc. are in fact the same inventory (product).
Example: Product# 123A is the same as 123B, 123C, 123AA, 123FG, etc. because the number portion is 123 and it is the same.
- If products with different number portions are interchangeable, we note this on the product’s page. We refer to such product as a SUBSTITUTE, and we clearly mark it with "THIS PRODUCT IS A SUBSTITUTE PART FOR".
- If the number portion of a product is not the same, and there is no reference to a “substitute”, then you are looking at two totally different products. Even if the pictures look the same, do not assume the products are the same and interchangeable.