
Shop for hard to find Firearms, weapons from Baikal. Founded in 1942 at Izhevsk, USSR, Baikal has produced parts that Numrich Gun Parts finds and delivers to you at great values!


Baikal is also known as "Izhevsky Mekhanichesky Zavod" (FSUP IMZ). Founded in 1942 and located in Izhevsk, Russia. The company was one of the companies from the former Soviet Union that specializes in the production of electronic equipment, firearms, and other projects.  They are well-known for producing the Tokarev TT Pistols.

After WWII the company has expanded to manufacture non-military firearms such as over/under, side by side, single barrel shotguns, and other sporting firearms. These firearms became popular in Britain and other European countries because of their quality and reliability. They are also available in the U.S. through different importers.


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Showing 1-12 of 434 Items