
Founded in 1816 in upstate New York, Remington is one of the nation’s oldest continuously operating firearm manufacturers. They are one of the largest manufacturer of firearms, ammunition and accessories in the U.SA. 

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History of Remington

In 1840, Eliphalet Remington II may have made one of the most important contributions ever to the firearms industry. Until then, barrels were of welded construction. His invention of a drill capable of drilling a small diameter hole through a round bar of steel would revolutionize the barrel making industry.

Remington and his family always took painstaking care to produce only the finest firearms possible. This passion for quality ultimately led to the loss of the business. Under new ownership, Remington merged with the Union Metallic Cartridge Company forming an industry giant. The resulting company played a major role in several wars with the production of ammunition and military firearms.

Remington, which has been located in Ilion, N.Y. for over 150 years, continues to be a leader in the production of sporting firearms as well as police weapons. Despite having gone from a proud family owned business to a succession of owners, Remington has always been a name that stood for quality and is still a major influence on the firearm world.

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