Sell Your Gun Parts
To maintain our vast inventory, we are constantly buying parts. If you have unwanted guns or gun parts, Numrich Gun Parts Corporation pays competitive prices for guns and parts of every make and model. We buy new, used, military, commercial, foreign, domestic and machine gun parts. Broken rifles, shotguns and handguns are also of value depending on our ability to salvage useful parts. If you have a frame or receiver that contains no salvageable parts, this has no value and therefore, please do not send. When possible, our preference is to receive parts only. We do not purchase or accept ammunition or ammunition components of any kind. This includes bullets, cartridge cases, primers, primer caps / headstamps, powder, shotshell hulls, shotshell wads, shot, slugs, BBs or Pellets.
U.S. Customers Only
Once we receive your gun parts, we will evaluate the goods and send you a check. The check amount will include our offer for the parts plus reimbursement for your shipping cost. Please include a copy of your shipping receipt. If the amount is unsatisfactory, return our check within 30 days. Your parts will be returned to you along with payment for your original shipping costs.
- Our shipping address is
Numrich Gun Parts Corporation
Attn: OTP
226 Williams Ln.
Kingston, NY 12401
- We only reimburse shipping at the UPS Ground, FedEx Ground or USPS Parcel Post rate.
- We will not reimburse Priority Mail, Second Day, Overnight, Air and Express mail, freight carriers, or packing and shipping fees, including third party fees.
- If you have a large shipment, provide us with a list prior to shipping. We can be reached via email at We will respond with a written estimated value. Please include your email address, daytime telephone or fax number.
- We will only accept firearms that are legally owned. Please verify the legal status of the firearm before shipping.
- Shipping policies for firearms vary by carrier. Please check the policy of your local shipper prior to shipping complete firearms, frames, or receivers.
- New York State Residents: When sending in a handgun or handgun frame you must provide a copy of your NYS Pistol Permit, or if you are a firearms dealer, a copy of your Federal Firearms License. We cannot accept handguns from NYS residents without one of these documents.
- We cannot accept unserialized handguns or handgun frames. If the serial number is not visible, or you cannot locate the serial number, here are a few tips. For auto pistols the serial number is often hidden by the slide or underneath the grips. Remove the slide and/or grips to check. For solid frame and top break revolvers the serial number is often stamped on the side of the frame under the grips. Remove the grips to check. For swing-open revolvers the serial number is often visible after the cylinder and crane are swung open.
Name & Address
It is important that you include your full name and address on all paperwork. This is critical to ensure that your check is sent to the correct address. Include daytime and home telephone numbers, and let us know when you would prefer us to call.
In the past, we have received packages without instructions. In such cases, we are not sure if the parts are being returned, are for sale, or are provided for matching-up with a new part. Please include a note advising if these parts are for sale.
If you are shipping multiple boxes, please include this information, both on the paperwork and on the actual boxes you are shipping: Box 1 of 5, Box 2 of 5, etc.
Please pack your shipment so it arrives in good condition. Our offer depends partly on the condition of goods upon arrival, and we can not be responsible for damages incurred during shipping.
Purchasing operations are completely separate from ordering operations. All orders must be placed on our website and correspondence must be done through our customer service.