
Founded by John Moses Browning, an American firearms designer who invented many firing mechanisms and firearms for military and civilian service. Throughout the years, Browning has manufactured high quality shotguns, rifles, and pistols. Shop for hard to find gun parts and accessories from Browning at Numrich Gun Parts Corp. today!

History of Browning

John Moses Browning, a self-taught firearm inventor, is probably the most influential name in the development of American and Foreign firearms in the world. His long association with Winchester is legendary. Starting with the lever action Winchester Model 86, Browning went on to design a variety of very well known Winchester rifles and shotguns, many of which are still in use today.

Browning’s design and development of the first successful gas operated machine gun, shotgun, and rifle set the pace for all other manufacturers. A true genius and a skilled craftsman, he patented designs that were probably imitated and copied more than any others.

The success of John Browning’s military weapons may well have been one of the most important contributions to the defeat of many American adversaries. These feelings were verbalized in a eulogy delivered at his passing by the Secretary of War in 1926. The following words were used: “It is a fact to be recorded that no design of Mr. Browning’s has ever proved a failure, nor has any model been discontinued. The War Department, through its agency, the Ordnance Department of the Army, will be greatly handicapped in its future development work on automatic firearms as a result of the loss of Mr. Browning’s services. It is not thought that any other individual has contributed so much to the national security of this country as Mr. Browning in the development of our machine guns and our automatic weapons to a state or military efficiency surpassing that of all nations.”

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