Top 10 Tips For Choosing The Right Handgun Part 3

Top 10 Tips For Choosing The Right Handgun Part 3

To make the best and most suitable choice, consider the following factors before buying a handgun


  • The price of a handgun is not limited to one-time purchase costs.

Some recurrent costs such as that of ammunition and maintenance have to be considered as well. Most novice shooters need to train hard in order to get the hang of the handgun. A considerable amount of cartridge is exhausted while training and practicing with your handgun. One way to cut down the cost is by reloading the handgun and using the same cartridge while practicing on the shooting field. But reloading takes quite a lot of time and even with reloading, the cost of bullets, cases, and powder have to be taken into account. 

Another way to reduce the cost of ammunition is by switching to low-priced ammunition during the training period. Nevertheless, if you are a rookie and you are buying a handgun for the first time, it is better to start with a reasonably-priced model before jumping to high-end models.

  • Most of us will be tempted to buy a second-hand gun that comes with a substantially low price tag. 

Before purchasing a gun, analyze the reliability and vigor of the handgun. Can it operate under tough weather conditions? And how much maintenance does it demand? Guns that are made from metal frames require regular application of gun oil to prevent corrosion. On the other hand, handguns made from stainless steel have a high purchase cost but require less maintenance over the years. 


Before finalizing a model, you should ask the following questions:

  • Where will you carry this handgun and how often do you plan on using it?
  • What will be your choice of clothes when carrying the gun?

If you are buying the handgun for recreational purposes i.e. using it at a shooting range, then carrying a large and heavy handgun will not be an issue. However, if you are buying a handgun for safety purposes, then a large handgun is not the best option. You should pick a model that is easily concealable and can be carried under your t-shirt without making it obvious to onlookers. 


There are a lot of handgun accessories available such as grips, tactical lights, gun holsters, and gun cleaning kits, etc. Some accessories are more important than others. Invest your time and energy in shooting range practice, training, and ammunition. 

When choosing a handgun, ask the gunsmith about the availability of spare parts and accessories. Choose a handgun whose accessories are easily available and its repair or fine-tuning does not involve complex processes. 

Listed above are some of the important factors to consider before buying a gun. For more guidance on handguns and their accessories, visit Numrich Gun Parts Corporation. We are America’s leading supplier of hard-to-find, obsolete, and rare gun parts and accessories.